The Corrisk Solutions Suite of
Primary or Excess
Professional Lines Products
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Architects & Engineers
Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
MP: $1,000 per $1M limit*
Min Deductible: $2,500
*tiered by class
Coverage for: Design-Build & Design-Manufacture | Machinery/Equipment Design | Land Surveyors | Interior Design | Non-Destructive Testing | Expert Witness & Forensic Lab Testing | Construction Management | Management Product Design | Construction Inspection System Integrators | Crane Inspection | Architects | Engineers – Acoustical, Chemical, Civil, Communications, Electrical, Environmental, Fire Protection, HVAC, Landscape, Mechanical, Process and Structural

Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
MP: Trade Associations: $2,500; All Other Properties: $6,500
Min Deductible: Trade Associations: $5,000; All Other Properties: $15,000
Coverage: E&O*, D&O*, EPL and Third Party Discrimination
* blended form
Coverage for: Non-Renewed or Non-Standard: POA/COA/HOA | Local Labor Unions | Country Clubs | Residential Co-ops and Condos | |Professional Associations | Legal and Bar Associations | Not-for-Profit Professional Associations | Not-for-Profit Trade Associations | Other Not-for-Profit associations which provide services to members
Coverage features include:
- Infringement of copyright or trademark, or unauthorized use of title; plagiarism, piracy or misappropriation of ideas
- Publishers Liability

Contractors E&O
Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: $5M
Revenue: Up to $25M
MP: $2,500
Min Deductible: $5,000
E&O Coverage for: Acoustical | Audio/Visual | Drywall | Electrical | Exhibit | Fire Sprinkler | Flooring | Highway/Paving | Kitchen/Bath | Landscape | Stucco/Masonry | Mechanical/Plumbing/HVAC | Painting |Signage | Telecommunications/Cabling | Utility | Wastewater/Sewer | Well-Drilling: Water
- Soften Hammer Clause Available
- Contractors Pollutions Available

Insurance Agents & Brokers
Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
Commissions: Up to $5M
MP: Up to $1,600
Min Deductible: $2,500
Coverage for: Wholesale & Retail Firms | Personal Lines Placement | Commercial Lines Placement | Heath, Life & Annuities Placement
- First Dollar Defense
- No Premium Finance Exclusions

Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
Revenues: Up to $25M
MP: $900*
*tiered by class
Coverage for: Consultants | Graphic Designers | Interior Design Firms | Lighting Design Firms | Trustee(s) | Lighting Design Firms | Testing/Inspection Firms ǀ Advertising Agencies | PR Firms | Fundraiser | Telemarketing Firms ǀ Technology Based Firms | Claims Adjusters | Call Centers | Staffing Firms | Commercial Real Estate | and many more
Based on professional services, additional enhancements are available, including but not limited to:
- First Dollar Defense
- Personal Injury Included / Broad Form
- For BI/PD (available for some classes)

Paper: Non-Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
Revenues: Up to $25M
MP: $900
Coverage for: Technology Based Firms | IT Consultants | Application Service Providers | Saas | Website Design | and many more!
Based on professional services, additional enhancements are available, including but not limited to:
- First Dollar Defense
- Personal Injury Included / Broad Form
- Employee Benefits Liability coverage available when purchasing the GL coverage
- For BI/PD (available for some classes)

School Leaders
Paper: Non- Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
Revenues: Up to $25M
Coverage: E&O. D&O, EPL and Third Party Discrimination
Coverage for: Not-for-Profit K-12 Public & Private | Charter Schools
Coverage features include:
- Full Prior Acts

Paper: Non- Admitted
Limits: Up to $5M
Minimum Retention: $5K
Revenues: $500K to $1B+
Coverage for: Multimedia Companies | Publishers | Advertising & Marketing Firms | Film & Production E&O | Music E&O | Video Production, Post-Production and Visual Effects | Talent Managers | Celebrities | Influencers | Podcasts | And many more!
Miscellaneous Professional Liability and Cyber Coverage may be available for some risks.

CorRisk Solutions provides cyber and technology solutions designed to equip mid-market and large corporate multinational businesses with cover that will reflect their risk. CorRisk has a broad risk appetite, offering customized solutions to companies of different sizes and industries.
For more on CorRisk’s cyber solutions, contact